
The Structure of Behavior (Duquesne University Press) (Paperback)

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

ID: 1501865

ISBN: 9780820701639

Format: Print Only

Price: $25.00


At the time of his death in May 1961, Maurice Merleau-Ponty held the chair of Philosophy at the College de France. Together with Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, he was cofounder of the successful and influential review Les Temps Modernes. However, after Merleau-Ponty's two studies of Marxist theory and practice (Humanisme et Terreur and Les Aventures de la Dialectique), he alienated both orthodox Marxists and mandarins of the left such as Sartre and de Beauvoir. Perhaps his most lasting contribution to the interpretation of human existence was his formulation of a positive philosophical approach to psychology⎯the foundations of which were clearly outlined in The Structure of Behavior and later more fully developed in Phenomenology of Perception.